Press release: The Infoniqa Group takes over Sawayo GmbH
Infoniqa Group acquires the German start-up – Sawayo GmbH
How professional project time tracking influences the profitability of a company
Die Projektzeiterfassung spielt eine zentrale Rolle für all diejenigen, die in Projekten tätig sind Durch den Einsatz professioneller Systeme lässt sich nicht nur ein detaillierter Überblick über Arbeitsstunden, Kosten und Einnahmen gewinnen, sondern auch die Produktivität signifikant erhöhen und die Kundenzufriedenheit sicherstellen.
HR reporting and HR analytics: How they can change the rules of the game for HR departments
The importance of data and metrics in human resources departments is continually growing – key performance indicators (KPIs) in particular are valuable.
Recruiting software: Current trends and developments
Despite economic challenges, companies still have an enormous need for skilled workers. The shortage of skilled workers has become an important driving force behind digitalization in recruiting and is forcing companies to see personnel as a strategic resource to ensure sustainable competitiveness. The topic of recruiting software is becoming more and more the focus of digitalization.
Strategic competitive advantages through competency-based personnel development with an HR software solution
The shortage of skilled workers has become an important driver of personnel development and is forcing companies to see personnel as a strategic resource.
Tools for internal corporate communication
In this article, we will explore the vital importance of software for internal corporate communications, looking in particular at Steeple’s innovative solution. “A lack of communication” – have you ever heard that in a corporate environment? Be it projects, strategies or other tasks in which more than one person is involved – in our experience there is almost no company that has not had the experience that internal communication was misleading, inadequate or simply did not take place at all . The causes for a lack of communication or miscommunication are obvious, but require a strategic solution in the often hectic daily business. What is always crucial is that relevant information is exchanged efficiently across different levels and departments and made accessible to everyone. At the same time, this is exactly the challenge of successful internal corporate communication.
Comparing, evaluating & selecting payroll systems
In order to develop a deeper understanding of the demanding requirements in the area of salary and payroll accounting, in this article we will provide you with comprehensive information on the criteria that should be used when selecting salary and payroll accounting programs. We emphasize that the topic of “payroll accounting” is far more complex than it may appear at first glance. In addition, the choice of a possible payroll system is not easy given the wide range on the market. Here, too, we have a few tips and recommendations for you.
Job-Applications via WhatsApp
One-click applications and applications via messenger channels, such as an application via WhatsApp, are becoming increasingly popular in times of digitalization. It is becoming increasingly important for companies that application processes are quick, uncomplicated and, above all, effective. Especially for vacancies that do not require highly qualified training, a quick and uncomplicated application process is essential. This also makes it easier to reach Generation Z, which relies heavily on mobility and social media. Almost 90% of Generations Y and Z use WhatsApp either to publish posts themselves or to consume content. Companies often want to create a means of contact here, as this fast medium offers employers enormous opportunities in the recruiting sector.
Working time recording – mandatory for companies
The form in which companies record the working hours of their employees is not statistically known. In our experience, however, the use of electronic time recording systems has increased in recent years. This is also consistent with the ruling of the Federal Labour Courtcourt (BAG) of 13. Since then, companies in Germany, among other countries, have been obliged to systematically record and document working hours. The BAG’s decision is intended to ensure that working hours are recorded correctly, overtime is compensated and breaks are properly observed. From a proposal by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs since April’ 23 it is now also clear that efforts are being made to reach an agreement on the structure of working time recording. All in all, the entire topic is based on a ruling by the ECJ from May 2019.
Interview with Holger Antz from perview “As a customer, I should know exactly what I want.”
Compare Get the right software solution from the experts Start your HR software comparison Hamburg-based perview systems gmbh develops HR software solutions for personnel administration, recruitment and personnel development. HRNeeds spoke to Holger Antz, one of the company’s three managing directors, about the area of personnel development. It quickly became clear that modules from this […]