Press releases

DGFP and the HRNeeds comparison portal cooperate

The DGFP gives its members access to a comprehensive comparison portal for HR software with its cooperation partner HRNeeds.

Good HR work only works with professional HR software. Whether applicant management system or complete HR management system – in order to find the right solution, different providers and programs should be compared with each other.

With its new cooperation partner HRNeeds, the DGFP gives its members access to a comprehensive comparison portal for HR software.

Using a specially developed questionnaire, HRNeeds compares company-specific requirements with a selection of software solutions for HR management in order to provide reliable and tailored software recommendations.

The comparison portal is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized companies that want to identify the right HR software for them without having to make use of expensive consulting services.

Your advantages: As a DGFP member, you will receive tailored software recommendations free of charge as well as a free one-hour consultation service.

Feel free to communicate the new offer in your company so that your colleagues can also benefit from it.


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Contact for further inquiries:

HRNeeds, the comparison portal for the HR industry

Contact person: Claus Festersen Nielsen

+49(0)621 1661 6673

The company:

The comparison portal HRNeeds is a comparison portal for the HR industry.

From the large number of software providers on the market, HRNeedswill find the right HR software solution to suit your requirements – quickly, easily and free of charge.

The comparison portal HRNeedscompares the right software solution for you, from payroll accounting to an HCM solution.

Which software solutions are you looking for?
HRNeeds, the comparison portal for HR-Software

Find the perfect HR software solution: Simple, fast and free of charge!

Three steps to the perfect software solution:

  1. Specify requirements
  2. Fill in contact details
  3. Receive a free, tailor-made software recommendation

Find the perfect HR software solution for your company with HRNeeds â€“ the established HR software comparison portal. Our unique HR software comparison, based on company-specific requirements, provides you with a free and non-binding list of suitable software solutions — including all the information you need to help you make the right decision.

We look forward to helping you and are happy to advise you!

Your HRNeeds team

For which country are you looking for HR software?
Contact data
Receive your customized & free HR software recommendation!

Find the ideal software with the HR software comparison from HRNeeds: HRNeeds uses a special analysis tool to compare the company-specific requirements with the software solutions and thus reliably finds the perfect software fit.

Do you have any questions about the software solutions?

We will be happy to advise you, free of charge and without obligation! Our expertise will effectively save you time in your search for the right tools for your HR processes. Our competent HR consultants are in constant contact with HR software manufacturers and are therefore always informed about current trends and innovations.