Tools for internal corporate communication

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The key role of efficient software in internal corporate communication

In this article, we will explore the vital importance of software for internal corporate communications, looking in particular at Steeple’s innovative solution.

tools zur internen unternehmenskommunikation

Internal corporate communication – often a challenge

“A lack of communication” – have you ever heard that in a corporate environment? Be it projects, strategies or other tasks in which more than one person is involved – in our experience there is almost no company that has not had the experience that internal communication was misleading, inadequate or simply did not take place at all . The causes for a lack of communication or miscommunication are obvious, but require a strategic solution in the often hectic daily business. What is always crucial is that relevant information is exchanged efficiently across different levels and departments and made accessible to everyone. At the same time, this is exactly the challenge of successful internal corporate communication.

The importance of conscious communication in a connected world

In a time in which both private and business information can be exchanged, disseminated and published incredibly quickly, the importance of conscious and well-thought-out communication is becoming increasingly crucial. Effective communication with and between employees is not only a necessity, but also a key to promoting corporate solidarity, teamwork and the achievement of strategic goals.

The larger a company is, the more complex consistent and effective communication becomes. Increasing digitalization already supports the central and rapid dissemination of important information. Excellent corporate communication also has a dialogue character and takes place in a selected, professional setting. The optimal answer to these and other demands are software tools that take internal corporate communication to a whole new level.

Make effective corporate communication your mission

Companies with an open communication culture position themselves with a clear interest in both informing their employees transparently and having an open ear for possible conversations. Due to digitalization, software solutions that can support this mission are an obvious and timely measure to restructure internal communication.

Regardless of the use of a tool, good internal corporate communication can be determined by various characteristics.

Characteristics of successful internal corporate communication

Companies with an obviously consciously designed communication culture position themselves with a clear interest in both transparently informing their employees and also in having an open ear for possible needs for discussion. Due to digitalization, software solutions that can support this mission are an obvious and timely measure to restructure internal communication.

Interview with Steffen Bimböse: The revolution in internal communication through Steeple

To go deeper into the subject, we took the opportunity to talk to Steffen Bimböse, Country Manager at Steeple for the DACH region. In an exclusive interview, Mr. Valzania explains how Steeple can revolutionize the way companies communicate internally through its software solutions.

Mr Bimböse, thank you for taking the time to talk to us today. Steeple has long since made a name for itself when it comes to efficiency in internal corporate communications. We at HRNeeds have already been able to inspire numerous customers with the tool and would like to find out a little more about this ground-breaking tool today.

Please name particularly important core functionalities that the Steeple software offers for internal communication?

Steffen Bimböse: Steeple is the internal communication tool for everyone – even for the least connected employees. We digitize the bulletin board by replacing it with large interactive touchscreens that make communication visible and interactive for everyone. This allows you to reach 100% of your employees, whether they are in the office, in the store or in the production facility. You can modernize your internal communication via a mobile app, the web and the touchscreen.

Are interactive (collaboration) tools also integrated into the Steeple software and if so, which ones?

Steffen Bimböse: Yes! In addition to the messenger (instant messaging), Steeple has several modules that drive the interactive character of the software (e.g. via sports tips, advent calendars, prize draws, events). Find out more HERE in detail.

Steeple is suitable for ‘all companies’. How adaptable is the Steeple software to the specific needs of a company?

Steffen Bimböse: Steeple is fully customizable. We work across all sectors: for example, we have customers in the healthcare, food, logistics and industrial sectors.

Does Steeple offer support and training opportunities for companies implementing the software?

Steffen Bimböse: Yes, we are well equipped and prepared. Our customer support and onboarding are also available in German.

The Steeple software also supports mobile applications, especially for employees who work outside the office.

Steffen Bimböse: Yes, free apps are available in all stores and there are even touchscreens in the break room to encourage people to get into action.

What measures are taken to ensure the privacy and security of the information shared in the Steeple software?

Steffen Bimböse: The Steeple tool is fully GDPR compliant. The data is hosted on servers within the EU.

Can the Steeple software be seamlessly connected to other common business applications and tools and if so, how?

Steffen Bimböse: Yes, through APIs and SSO. An API is a collection of definitions and protocols that enable software applications to communicate with each other. SSO is an authentication method where a user logs in once and then gains access to multiple applications or systems without having to log in again separately for each application.

What do the employees of companies that already use Steeple particularly appreciate about the tool and the application itself?

Steffen Bimböse: Transparent and friendly communication that reaches and integrates all employees – regardless of location or profession.

Super, that’s all we wanted to find out for this article – thanks again.

Experience report from BMW Huchet-St Malo

“The best thing about Steeple is that employees can interact at any time. There is a real commitment from staff at Steeple. With this tool the future will be exciting.”

Estelle Chapon, Communications Officer

In conclusion, Steeple offers a comprehensive solution to optimize communication in your company. The tool allows you to communicate and interact with your employees seamlessly and effectively. Use Steeple to improve workflows, promote collaboration, and ultimately improve your organization’s performance.

Every company has its own individual needs and requirements – we would be happy to discuss with you the given requirements and what is necessary to organize internal communication in your company more efficiently.

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