Profilingvalues GmbH

profilingvalues GmbH
Forsthausstr. 2 / 1. OG
D-82031 GrĂĽnwald

Provider description

Personal assessment & potential analysis: Increase the quality of personnel and HR decisions through value-based diagnostics – with focus on people and their potential.

The company profilingvalues has set itself the task of measuring people’s inner values and making their potential visible. The aim is to provide orientation and support value-based corporate management. To this end, profilingvalues offers a range of psychometric and value-based test procedures and trains both companies and consultants in their use. In addition, profilingvalues also directly supports companies in making good and well-founded personnel decisions and developing the potential of employees.

The profilingvalues (V12C) value metric method is a scientifically based instrument that systematically presents a person’s skills and aptitudes. This optimizes recruitment and personnel development. The process is also used outside of aptitude diagnostics to determine a person’s current position and for self-reflection, team building and team development.

profilingvalues measures a person’s “ability” and “willingness”, i.e. their specific skills and the attention they are currently receiving. The result therefore includes a survey of stable capacities and at the same time reflects the current situation of the person taking part. If desired, competence-based, specific management audits and interviews can be added to the trait-oriented test procedure.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Takes approx. 20 minutes to complete (online)
  • No manipulability, no social desirability
  • Scientifically sound, valid result
  • Collection of values and attitudes with high stability over time (test-retest reliability)
  • One-time introductory price – let us convince you of our accuracy
  • Free self-awareness incl. individual feedback session – book now

Fundamental details

  • Number of customers: approx. 1,000 certified users, used in approx. 5,000 companies
  • Founded: 2009
  • Revenue: approx. 1,000,000
  • Locations in Germany: GrĂĽnwald
  • Managing directors: Dr. Ulrich Vogel

Software solution

The profilingvalues process

So that you can recognize what your employees and applicants are made of.

Who fits the vacancy? Who can I delegate what to? Who in my team is ready for more responsibility? How do I distribute tasks so that people’s skills complement each other perfectly? What do I need to consider when integrating company xy into our company?

To decide this, you need good intuition AND the clearest possible picture of your applicants and employees.

To do this, you need to know what makes the people in question tick. If possible, understand how they think, feel and act – to understand why they do what they do.

The better you know your employees, the easier it will be for you to achieve this.


profilingvalues – more than just a potential analysis

With profilingvalues, you can measure the “inner” values of your applicants and employees.

The result: a detailed picture of the respective person and clear indications of their current state of health and the causes



You can see at a glance which skills your (potential) employees have, how strong they are and how they influence each other

  • Skills – What strengths do your (potential) employees and managers have?
  • Potentials – Where are they recognizable, and how can they be developed?
  • Resilience – How do your people react to challenges and under pressure?
  • Maturity – How self-reflective and stable are they, and where do they have blind spots?
  • Willingness to change – Who is innovative and can and wants to break new ground? Who is conservative and needs a safe environment?
  • Working style – Who is a perfectionist and pays attention to detail? Who needs a variety of tasks and feels constrained by structure?


Current focus

You can see how much your (potential) employees and managers are actually using their skills right now – appropriate to the situation, (too) intensively or (too) little.

  • Causes – What can be specific triggers for certain behavior?
  • Commitment – Who is motivated? Who has resigned and is only half-heartedly following along?
  • Stress – Who is currently under pressure? How does this affect their work performance?
  • Reorientation – Who identifies with their own role, function or task? Who is in the process of resigning internally?
  • Mental state – How are they feeling right now? What is on their mind at the moment?


Personnel development with profilingvalues

The “baby boomer” generation is about to retire, and only a fraction of the specialist staff of the younger generations will follow on from the work experience they have gained. At the same time, professional and technical developments require ever greater specialization, while at the same time placing high demands on interdisciplinary skills. Companies are therefore increasingly becoming training centers and must provide their employees with targeted training and personal development. Our value-based psychometric test procedures enable a precise assessment of a person’s individual strengths and areas of development, as well as their support needs and current situation. This enables targeted and needs-based development on the one hand and individual support on the other, in order to awaken the full potential of your employees and strengthen retention.


Recruiting with profilingvalues

The shortage of skilled workers and the “war for talent” are making it increasingly difficult to acquire applicants for vacancies. However, the smaller the applicant pool, the less likely it is that the ideal candidate will be found. At the same time, applicants should not be put off by lengthy application processes and assessment centers. Our value-based psychometric test procedures enable a lean, economical process and provide deep insights into a person’s strengths, areas of development and current situation. This makes it possible to avoid costly wrong appointments, provide future employees with support for specific challenges, and make them feel valued.


Teambuilding with profilingvalues

Utilizing all the potential and skills in a team turns the sum of its parts into a robust and powerful whole. Our value-based psychometric test procedures and instruments enable mutual understanding and thus promote cooperation. Through our team diagnostics, we make common strengths as well as broad distributions and areas of expertise visible and can thus help teams to align themselves optimally with their team constellation. Self-image and external image are just as helpful perspectives as the positioning of all members in a team model. Through our effective workshop designs, we also provide directly effective tools and suitable interventions to build on the results and develop targeted action plans.


Leadership development with profilingvalues

Successful leadership in all areas seems to have become an almost impossible task given the high and diverse demands of today’s world. Our value-based psychometric test procedures and instruments provide a comprehensive, clear assessment of where you stand and always point out important areas for development and levers for your own further development. At the same time, they also identify strengths and show how the person is currently doing from the “snapshot” of the measurement. In this way, experienced managers can be individually supported and developed, but formal specialists or inexperienced talents can also be specifically promoted and empowered for the leadership of today and tomorrow.

Technical information

about the certification of Profilingvalues GmbH

about the data protection of Profilingvalues GmbH



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