Pforzheimer Straße 68a
75242 Neuhausen

Provider description

Workforce management with PEP BALANCE

PEP Balance GmbH – The software solution for industries with heterogeneous workloads and challenging planning situations. Thanks to its modular structure and flexible technical architecture, our cloud solution can be adapted to a wide range of requirements. In addition to electronic workforce scheduling, we also offer digital time recording, an app and interfaces to all major HR, payroll and other systems.

The company is headquartered in the south of Germany, with additional regional offices. PEP Balance GmbH is also one of EDEKA’s national partners for workforce scheduling, time recording and workforce management.

PEP BALANCE – The software solution for your workforce scheduling!

Optimum planning of personnel resources can be a real challenge. At the same time, this is an essential factor for a satisfied team, a positive working atmosphere and even indispensable for the satisfaction of your customers, patients or guests.

We are constantly working on the further development of our software based on the needs of our customers.

With over 20 years of experience combined with the latest technological standards, we offer the best software solution for staff scheduling on the market. Additional services such as digital time recording, our own app, our qualification institute and interfaces to all major HR and payroll accounting systems complement our overall portfolio. This gives our customers a software solution that is individually tailored to their needs.

Fundamental details

  • Locations: Pforzheim, Münster, Cologne
  • Customers: +800 medium-sized and large companies across all sectors as well as a national partnership with Edeka
  • Managing partners: Anita Angergard, Claus Holtmann, Uwe Dieckmann, Wolfgang Wolkenaer

Software solution

“Who can work when and take on which task?” “What does the current time account look like?” “Are legal or company-specific framework conditions being adhered to?”

  • All this and much more is automatically taken into account in a plan proposal generated by the software. Thanks to its ease of use, you can make further adjustments very quickly.
  • Personnel management in a new dimension. Let the intuitive and clear user interface convince you and benefit from our various service modules.
  • Say goodbye to confusing Excel spreadsheets, mountains of notes and chaotic chat groups! In the digital personnel file, you will find all the important information in one place.
  • It also creates additional transparency for your team and simplifies communication via MyTimeApp.


“Planned is all well and good – but how many hours were actually worked?” “Do bonuses have to be taken into account?” “Are there any special regulations?”

  • With PEP BALANCE, you no longer have to ask yourself these questions, because time management can be so easy.


You can also benefit from our expert support team, who are always on hand to help you. You can find more information at



  • modern and intuitive design
  • modularly expandable (time recording and app)
  • Impressive range of functions
  • 100% GDPR-compliant
  • web-based
  • automatic planning support
  • practical early error detection
  • comprehensive authorization concept
  • impressive reporting & evaluations
  • high flexibility: interfaces, individual settings
  • suitable for all industries and company sizes (retail, trade, gastronomy, etc.)
  • outstanding customer satisfaction
  • first-class, competent support
  • The hosting takes place in a data center located in Germany and is certified according to ISO 27001


For more information, please visit

Technical information

to the privacy policy of PEP Balance GmbH

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