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Besides standard solutions like personnel management, time tracking, or payroll, there are also HR software solutions that can be used for specific purposes. These offer great potential to simplify HR work, minimize liability risks, or increase employee retention.

Selection and implementation of an HR solution

The selection and implementation of a Human Resources (HR) solution represents a significant strategic decision for companies, which can have far-reaching effects on their efficiency and competitiveness. Given the multitude of available software solutions and technologies, it is crucial to make a well-informed and carefully considered choice. Professional consulting plays a key role in identifying the right solution and ensuring its successful implementation.

Training platform

Platforms for managing and conducting training programs assist in the creation of curricula, communication between trainers and trainees, and tracking learning progress.

  • Proven higher pass rates
  • Customized learning content, digital training logbook, and more
  • Prepared learning videos for the most important apprenticeships in Germany

Aptitude diagnostics - profiling

Tools for aptitude diagnostics help identify the individual strengths and areas for development of each employee and create tailored development plans to make the best use of their potential.

  • Avoidance of misplacements
  • Competency check
  • Support during onboarding
  • Optimal utilization of potential

Electronic signature

Software for electronic signatures can simplify and speed up processes both internally and externally across the company.

  • User-friendly application of e-signatures
  • API for integration into existing HR systems
  • eIDAS-certified and GDPR-compliant

Feedback Tool

In the modern workplace, continuously gathering feedback and promoting dialogue is essential for business success. A suitable software solution can help companies efficiently measure and improve employee engagement and customer satisfaction. This can increase both employee retention and customer loyalty

Driver’s license check

Specialized software automates the mandatory driver’s license check for company car drivers. It also provides legally compliant documentation of the documents to protect companies from liability risks.

  • Annual electronic driver training
  • Checks by authorized personnel via barcode scanner or smartphone app
  • SMS or email notifications for drivers
  • Automatic checks during refueling


Healthy and productive mobile working to increase employee retention and meet all labor (and occupational safety) requirements with the help of a software solution, including on-site equipment.

International employee leasing

Are you looking for employees for your foreign branch? Each country has numerous regulations that must be followed. With our help, you can find the right service provider to organize this for you in a legally compliant manner and, if desired, handle payroll processing.

International payroll and compliance platform

When it comes to managing global payroll and compliance, choosing the right HRIS (Human Resource Information System) tool is crucial. Access standardized employee and payroll data from all your international branches and gain transparency over your global operations. This significantly simplifies reporting and frees up resources, as there is no longer a need to combine Excel spreadsheets.

Communication platform

To improve internal communication within a company, software can bring the traditional bulletin board to the screen. With practical apps, modern, accessible platforms are created that connect the workforce, even when working from home. It is important to choose a tool that is intuitive to use, requires minimal administrative effort, and allows for a variety of content.

  • Engaging communication despite physical distance
  • Usable without a corporate email
  • Cost-effective, making it ideal for companies of any size

Market analysis

Modern market analyses and competitive monitoring require data, data, and more data. Suitable software helps companies identify market trends, understand customer expectations, and make informed strategic decisions.

  • Collaboration with experts from other disciplines such as business administration, psychology, and marketing
  • Also suitable for complex issues
  • Gaining an overview of opaque and emerging markets

Employee benefits software

Software solutions for managing employee benefits enable companies to offer and directly manage a wide range of perks for their employees. These solutions include automated processing of expenses and travel costs, as well as tools to promote employee health and well-being.

  • Wide range of benefits
  • Reduction of absenteeism and turnover
  • Increase in employee satisfaction and retention


When searching for new talent, we can no longer rely on newspaper ads. Multiposting tools allow job postings to be published simultaneously across multiple job portals from a single platform. From creating the ads to managing them, and analyzing their performance, everything happens in one place.

  • Clear expense overview in the recruitment process
  • Centralized control of postings
  • Assistance with design-related questions

Employee development in performance reviews

Performance reviews are an important component of employee development, helping to enhance learning and growth. In these discussions, expectations, plans, and goals are identified to promote both personal and professional development, motivate employees, and strengthen retention. A software solution can provide targeted support in facilitating this process.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Various programs enable the organization and management of employee training initiatives. Course management, participant registration and tracking, as well as performance evaluation, can be controlled through these tools.

  • Continuous employee development
  • Multimedia learning content, live video training, in-person workshops
  • Easy analysis of usage rates and learning outcomes
  • Increased employee satisfaction and retention

Personnel cost planning

Planning costs is rarely the favorite part of HR managers’ daily work. The topic carries significant weight, as it involves managing the largest expense block in the company. Digital tools can greatly reduce the effort required in this area.

Performanace Anlytics & Reporting

The importance of data and metrics in HR departments is continuously growing. KPIs are invaluable, enabling the quantification of the performance of business areas and providing insights into costs, such as in the field of recruitment.

Travel expense accounting

Software solutions for travel expense accounting automate the often tedious process of recording and settling travel expenses. They simplify the submission of receipts, approval processes for reimbursements, and the disbursement of refunds.

  • Less bureaucracy and ‘busywork’ in HR’s daily tasks
  • Standardized processes
  • App and desktop solutions
  • Optimized for German legal requirements

Job evaluation with pay gap analysis

Job evaluation systems enable the analysis and assessment of positions within a company. This allows salary structures to be reviewed and potential pay gaps to be identified and, if necessary, closed.

  • Fair salaries lead to loyal employees (increased employee retention)
  • Deliberate job architecture instead of evolved salary structures
  • Integrated gender pay gap analysis
  • AI-powered

Work-Life-Balance Plattform

Software solutions for planning employee benefits that promote retention and loyalty simplify the integration of such services into your company. You can easily select initiatives tailored to your workforce. The selection is vast, with the software offering pre-vetted partnerships in various areas such as pregnancy, children, different age groups, partnerships, self-care, aging, or diversity.

  • Thousands of pre-verified offers and partnerships
  • Clear management instead of isolated solutions
  • Initiatives for employees in all life situations
  • Increased employee satisfaction and retention

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Finden Sie die perfekte HR-Software-Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen mit HRNeeds – dem etablierten HR-Software-Vergleichsportal. Durch unseren einzigartigen HR-Softwarevergleich, basierend auf unternehmensspezifischen Anforderungen, erhalten Sie eine kostenlose und unverbindliche Liste von passenden Softwarelösungen - inklusive aller Informationen, die Ihnen bei der Entscheidung helfen.

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Do you have any questions about the software solutions?

We will be happy to advise you, free of charge and without obligation! Our expertise will effectively save you time in your search for the right tools for your HR processes. Our competent HR consultants are in constant contact with HR software manufacturers and are therefore always informed about current trends and innovations.