HR4you AG

Breitenbacher StraĂźe 12a
91320 Ebermannstadt

Provider description

HR4YOU is one of the leading HR software providers. Our SaaS products have a modular structure and can be adapted to individual customer requirements. During operation, we support our customers with a comprehensive support and assistance concept. We combine state-of-the-art technology with the highest standards of current data protection regulations and are constantly developing our range of services to support you as a competent and innovative software partner in the long term.

Software solution

HR4YOU-PRO – Die Full-Service-Lösung

HR4YOU-TRM – Bewerbermanagement-Software

HR4YOU-HCM – Personalmanagement-Software

HR4YOU-eSearcher – Personalberatungs-Software

HR4YOU-eTemp – Zeitarbeitssoftware

HR4YOU-VMS – Software fĂĽr Vendor Management System

HR4YOU-RPO – Software fĂĽr Recruitment Process Outsourcing

HR4YOU-eTransfer – Software fĂĽr Outplacement und Transfergesellschaften


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