GeCOSoft mbH

GeCOSoft mbH
Eiselauer Weg 6
89081 Ulm

Provider description

GeCOSoft mbH, based in Ulm, Germany, has been developing and implementing smart software solutions for time recording, access control and production data acquisition for over 30 years. Data is collected and analysed both locally via recording terminals and on the move via browser and app. Interfaces and web services enable a direct connection to HR, payroll and ERP software. GeCOSoft solutions are installed in over 2,500 companies and are available in 10 languages.  

Fundamental details

  • Founded: 1994
  • Employees: 20
  • Location: Ulm
  • Customers: more than 400 companies
  • Managing directors: Markus Schindler, Simon Zeller

Software solution

GeCOTime Time Recording

In addition to recording and analysing working times, the standard version of GeCOTime Time Recording offers many other functions that make your daily work easier. The solution offers a high level of functionality and is clear and intuitive to use. All changes and adjustments to the time recording system can be made by the users themselves by parameterising the software independently.


Personnel Master Data

A comprehensive personnel master data is available to you for managing your employees. In addition to time and attendance data, you can store personal information such as national insurance number, address, phone number, email, date of birth and even photos of your employees.

Personalstamm-Datenbildschirm mit Benutzerdaten


Free parameterisation allows you to quickly and easily create different working time models and test their calculation. You can define accounts and their treatment and assign them to the relevant employees. Even in difficult economic times, for example, short-time working can be implemented quickly and easily.

Daily processing – corrections

You can generate automatic messages for forgotten bookings, when limits are exceeded or when defined events occur. These are listed as standard deviations in the time recording system and displayed to employees as a message on the terminal or their own web terminal. Alternatively, they can be sent to the employee or their manager by email. Missing bookings and/or corrections can be made manually at any time via daily processing or can be requested digitally by the employee via the workflow module.

Time tracking system interface screenshot.

Annual calendar

Use the calendar to plan absences for the whole year. With the workflow module, employees can also request absences and clock-in times digitally.

Bürozeitenkalender mit Abwesenheitstypen und Statistik.

Shift planning

Simplify time recording in shift operations – with automatic shift plan creation and recognition, as well as automatic organisation of time and/or absences. Manual intervention is also possible at any time to change rosters at short notice and plan absences clearly. Shift and absence plans provide visual support. Scheduling to other cost centres is also possible.

User administration

Set up users and authorisations for all GeCOTime modules. User authorisation rules can be used to combine users into groups and manage them both centrally and individually. Set or withdraw authorisations for individual functions at field level. This means that even complex authorisation requirements can be covered, so that, for example, managers can be set up with read-only authorisation for the personnel time recording calendars.

Other functions

  • Various reports, lists, graphs and statistics
  • Staff deployment planning
  • Production data acquisition
  • Web terminal


  • Price: 5,00 € per employee per month
  • Hotline: 09:00 – 17:00 h
  • Free webinars: yes
  • Email support: yes
  • Own customer area: yes
  • Video Tutorials: are created individually with the customer
  • Services: Support, consulting, training
  • Free test system: yes
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