
Eckhardt GmbH
Max-Eyth-Str. 18
71332 Waiblingen

Provider description

At ectool, we combine qualified personnel in the area of ​​payroll and time recording with intelligent and self-developed software – of course ITSG-certified and GDPR-compliant.

Our in-house IT department enables us to flexibly adapt our software to your needs and legal changes. Our aim is not only to save you time and resources with ectool, but also to ensure that your processes meet the highest standards.

With ectool, you get a partner at your side who understands your current needs and at the same time keeps an eye on future challenges in the area of ​​payroll.

Fundamental details

  • More than 55 years of experience in the field of payroll accounting and time management
  • 70 highly qualified employees from the IT and payroll processing departments
  • Personal contact with email, direct line and emergency cover
  • Approx. 70,000 invoices per month – secure and error-free
  • Own data centers in Germany (main and back-up) for maximum flexibility and security
  • Our software and processes are certified and GDPR compliant


Certification for application software Ectool 2024.

Software solution

Through close collaboration between payroll experts and development, we ensure that our software remains practical and user-friendly. Our solutions enable our processing staff to carry out your payroll accounting efficiently, securely and without errors and are the reason why outsourcing is worthwhile not only for you, but also for us.

A circumstance from which you also benefit if you use our software solutions in self-service and want to continue to carry out payroll accounting in-house! Our primary concern is not a good look, but that the users, whether yours or ours, can do their work quickly and without errors.


The price also includes many helpful HR tools that round off our offering, as well as an app that we can use to integrate your employees into your processes – with ectool you get everything from a single source.

For both payroll accounting as a full-service service or in self-service (SaaS), and for time management, you pay us a monthly flat rate based on the number of employees to be accounted for. This means maximum planning for you and you always keep an overview of your costs.

Our solutions for time management and our free additional HR tools round off our offering. With the ectool app, which is also free, you also have the option of integrating your employees more closely into your workflow and further advancing digitalization in your department (e.g. through digital payroll accounting).

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Finden Sie die perfekte HR-Software-Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen mit HRNeeds – dem etablierten HR-Software-Vergleichsportal. Durch unseren einzigartigen HR-Softwarevergleich, basierend auf unternehmensspezifischen Anforderungen, erhalten Sie eine kostenlose und unverbindliche Liste von passenden Softwarelösungen - inklusive aller Informationen, die Ihnen bei der Entscheidung helfen.

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