Münsterstraße 11
48282 Emsdetten

Provider description



DNLA is a specialist in potential analysis and potential development – with scientifically proven analysis tools – for private individuals and companies of all kinds – with a large network of experts at home and abroad – and with analysis and development tools for all topics relating to personal development and personnel management.

Discover and develop potential for success together!

Successful employees are a company’s most valuable resource. Targeted selection, development and promotion of employees are the key to building potential and sustained corporate success. The basis of any structured, value-creating HR work is a solid database.

The reliable measurement method DNLA – Discovering Natural Latent Abilities – is used to measure the current level of success-relevant potential.

Performance characteristics

    • fully computerized
    • available online
    • Scientifically sound and tested by independent research institutes
    • Evaluation documents for companies & employees
    • Education controlling option
    • Over 10 different measuring instruments
    • Questionnaires & evaluation documents in many foreign languages
    • Practical and solution-oriented
    • Quality made in Germany




  • Competence check when selecting applicants & help with induction
  • Reduction of friction losses & optimization of cooperation
  • Unlocking the potential in your company
  • Reliable basis for PE through objective data
  • Targeted promotion & performance improvement
  • Long-term, sustainable personnel development instead of one-off measures (training controlling)
  • Cost savings by optimizing the use of the personnel budget
  • Increase in employee satisfaction and employee loyalty
  • Elementary building block for creating the personnel balance sheet


Network & consultant

  • Europe-wide network of consultants
  • Experienced HR specialists support you with competent evaluation discussions
  • Measures are determined together
  • Implementation of development measures
  • Have in-house DNLA consultants trained by us



What qualities do you need to be successful? Dr. Wolfgang Strasser, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Brengelmann at the Max Planck Institute in Munich, conducted basic research in this area and developed a scientifically validated model that takes into account all the key factors in the area of social skills that influence professional success.

that influence professional success. A team of psychologists,

experienced HR experts, trainers, management consultants, coaches and IT specialists

IT specialists developed the DNLA expert system on the basis of these findings.

Further information

Tool overview

Software solution

Überblich der Tools:

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Hier gelangen Sie zum Youtube-Erklärvideo:

Hier gelangen Sie zum Youtube-Erkärvideo:

Hier gelangen Sie zum Erklär-Video zum DNLA VKP:

Hier geht es zum Youtubve-Erklärvideo zum DNLA:

Hier gelangen Sie zum Youtube-Erklärvideo zur Teamanalyse:

Hier geht es zum Youtube-Erklärvideo zur DNLA:



Technical information

to the privacy policy of DNLA GmbH

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