Clockodo GmbH

Clockodo GmbH
Viktoriastrasse 25 A
59425 Unna

Provider description

Clockodo GmbH has been developing and distributing the work and project time recording system of the same name since 2011. We develop cloud software that helps small and medium-sized European companies to digitize their time recording – so that they can focus on the important things.

  • Time is our most valuable asset. Clockodo helps companies and people to make their time more conscious and rewarding day by day. Since 2011, we have been developing and distributing work and project time tracking, which we use to contribute to the digitalization of small and medium-sized European companies.
  • The combination of working hours, project times and absences simplifies the administrative effort and prepares relevant data clearly. Clockodo helps over 7,000 companies every day to focus on their core business.
  • From Europe for Europe: Clockodo offers you support for legal certainty and direct, personal service without time differences.


Use your time efficiently with Clockodo

  • Comprehensive time recording: Record working and project times, as well as individual evaluations.
  • Digital time clock: Start the working day, record breaks and end the working day with the Clockodo app.
  • Individual reports: Gain insights into project times, customers, employees and key figures for company management.
  • Time tracking for employees: Monitor hourly accounts, overtime, vacation time and sick days
  • Development and distribution of work and project time tracking since 2011
  • 20 employees at two German locations
  • Over 7,000 customers, mainly in the DACH region
  • 100 million hours recorded

Software solution

Record working times, project times and absences quickly and easily – with just a few clicks and in compliance with the GDPR in Clockodo time recording. The up-to-the-second recording reliably records all times, creates clear reports and frees up time for the things that really matter.

In the working time recording system, each employee has their own hours account, which records plus and minus hours as well as absences. Personal target hours, vacation days and adjustable public holidays make the tool an individual time recording system that fits every working time model and complies with legal requirements.

The comprehensive project time recording takes care of the billing of projects, customers and services. Times are neatly assigned to individual services for a project. Clockodo automatically creates reports from this to provide an overview of your own work. The modular system for reports enables precise internal and external evaluations with filters and groupings. Hourly rates, flat rates and project budgets show the financial workload.

Clockodo offers ready-made interfaces to invoicing and payroll programs, which can be used to easily create drafts for invoices and wages.

In Absence Management, employees submit requests for vacation, sick leave, home office and more. Assigned managers approve the absence and everyone involved can see who is away and when in the calendar.

Keep an eye on your most valuable asset, your time, with Clockodo.

Recording working and project times

  • Record working times and project times with just a few clicks: Clockodo records your employees’ times to the second and automatically creates project reports.
  • Test the time recording for two weeks directly in the company with all employees or alone without obligation.


The advantages of the Clockodo time recording system at a glance

Let Clockodo do the work for you and get valuable data for your company!

  • Second-by-second, legally compliant working time recording
  • Stamp on the PC, via terminal or mobile via time recording app
  • Hour accounts with personal target times and overtime
  • Management of absences such as vacation and illness
  • Storage of all data in Germany on certified servers


Advantages for project times

Capture and optimize your time every day

  • Project time tracking for customers and services
  • Save budgets, hourly rates and flat rates
  • Evaluate clear reports
  • Analyze productive and unproductive times
  • Export via PDF and CSV from the time recording
  • Connections to invoicing applications


Work and project time recording

  • Use the working time recording with time accounts, overtime and absences or also track your customers, projects and services. In both cases, the time entries flow automatically into the reports
  • The web-based time recording system works in the cloud and is suitable for any industry, for freelancers, small businesses and medium-sized companies
  • We are constantly developing the time tracking system so that you can collect your important data and improve your business
  • Simplify your daily work routine with digital time recording now!


Electronic time recording for working hours

  • All users record their working hours and break times via the app, the web interface or the digital time recording terminal
  • With the stopwatch function, they record the times live or carry out the personnel time recording manually
  • All time entries can be edited retrospectively if you allow this
  • In Clockodo, you have the option of assigning different target hours to each of your employees
  • The time recording system also allows different vacation days, public holidays and break times


One time recording system for all employees

  • The electronic time recording system calculates all booked working hours in the digital timesheet and compares them with the specified times
  • This results in the plus and minus hours of the respective employee from the start and end of work
  • Various working time models and flexitime can be realized
  • You and your employee can see the total balance of the working time account in the hours account
  • In the detailed view, you will find all relevant information for the HR department: overtime, breaks, bonuses, leave per day, week, month and year


Absences and vacation calendar

  • The vacation management is integrated in Clockodo
  • The employees apply for vacation, sick leave, overtime reduction and more directly in the time recording
  • Registered supervisors receive an email and approve or reject the request directly in the time tracking software


Clear solution for leave management

  • In the absence calendar and the planning board in landscape format, the absences of all employees come together for personnel time recording
  • Here, supervisors and optionally colleagues can see who is absent and when, filterable by employee
  • Use the vacation days to plan the workload in the company
  • All data from digital time recording is suitable for payroll accounting and further processing


Time recording for your company

  • Working time recording is mandatory according to the ruling of the Federal Labor Court (BAG) from September 2022
  • According to this, every employer must record the daily working hours of their employees
  • The ruling followed the example of the ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) from 2019
  • Clockodo supports you in seamlessly recording all employee times, breaks and overtime with the time clock
  • The entries flow into personal time accounts for evaluation and planning
  • The digital time clock requires no maintenance, is easy to set up and can be operated intuitively without wasting time


Working time law, home office and more

  • BAG and ECJ ruling determine the obligation to record time
  • The Working Hours Act (ArbZG) still applies with regulations on maximum hours, breaks and compensation for overtime
  • With a digital time recording system such as Clockodo, you get digital tools to ensure that all employees can comply with the law and the maximum limits for working hours
  • Even when working from home, everything is covered with a cloud solution
  • Employees clock in and out using the apps for PC and smartphone, which record the time from anywhere
  • This enables employees to separate work and leisure time even when at home


Electronic time recording and employment law

  • The legal requirements for working and break times from the Working Hours Act (ArbZG) are digitally stored in Clockodo
  • As the responsible employer, use these to help you comply with working time and break rules
  • You can, for example, have the break deducted automatically so that your employees get used to actually recording it and complying with the law
  • This way, time recording also supports you in the area of labor law


Adjust working time specifications

  • If an employee violates a rule, an exclamation mark appears in their digital timesheet on the day in question
  • visible to both boss and employee
  • For collective agreements or company agreements, Clockodo offers the option of adapting the specified rules
  • The use of electronic time recording is worthwhile for every workplace and adapts to your company
  • Decide to make your recording obligations easier


Benefit from time recording

  • Digital working time recording means it is no longer necessary to add up all working hours every month
  • Electronic time recording does this automatically and continuously
  • It takes vacations into account and saves you a lot of time that you can put into important work
  • The data is stored on a German server and you automatically comply with the retention periods
  • You also conclude a GDPR-compliant DPIA agreement directly online in the system


Advantages for both sides

  • Employers benefit from electronic time recording
  • The structured data gives them an overview of all working hours and allows them to plan and analyze the company’s work
  • Thanks to digital time recording, employees know exactly how many hours they are working, how many plus and minus hours are in their working time account and whether they are complying with rest periods


Electronic time recording for project times

  • Record activities to the minute: The time recording program Clockodo works both for pure working time recording and for project time recording
  • Each time entry that your employees create is assigned to a customer, a project and a service
  • You create this master data directly in the software with just a few clicks and immediately record time on it – for quick implementation on the device of your choice


Save time with project reports

  • Clockodo automatically adds up the times for individual projects
  • You get an overview of the entries in ready-made project reports
  • Electronic time recording also offers more personalization: in the flexible modular system for reports, you can put together your own report
  • Sort your data and analyze your own time management
  • Export as a table for further processing is also possible
  • Find out where you can save time with time recording


Budget and hourly rates calculated automatically

  • A flexible mask for hourly rates allows you to store different rates for different constellations. This means you can not only set one hourly rate per project, but also assign different sums for different services. You can also differentiate between employees directly in the tool
  • For projects, you can optionally define a budget and Clockodo uses the hourly rate to calculate whether you are still within the agreed framework. Electronic time tracking keeps track of everything for you and provides all the information you need with just one click.


Connection to invoicing programs

  • Finished interfaces in Clockodo offer you the option of linking simple time recording directly to an invoicing application. Conveniently import the customers already created there into the electronic time recording and book the time directly for them
  • Compile all time entries to be invoiced and transfer them to the other software in the form of a draft invoice. Clockodo marks the transferred entries as invoiced. By combining electronic time recording with digital invoicing, you save yourself several work steps.


Roles and access rights

  • For each employee, you can individually set which access rights they have to the system and the individual projects in time recording. Hide entire customers for an employee and they will no longer appear in the selection for a time entry
  • Give a project manager extended access and reporting rights for their project. Users with manager rights have access to many Clockodo settings and act as executives. Relieve your HR department and make Clockodo your time tracking software!


The right app for digitalization

  • The free app is part of your Clockodo account and is suitable for field workers, for example, who can use it offline without an internet connection
  • To use the time tracking app, install the application on your smartphone or tablet. Select the project you are working on and tap the stopwatch to start it. The clock starts running alongside your work and the digital time tracking synchronizes all working hours automatically
  • Select a new project when you change work


Flexible and mobile via app

  • In the app you will find a list of the last time entries, which you can continue with a tap if required
  • App and browser application synchronize automatically and constantly
  • If you start a time entry on the PC and then shut it down, the time clock in the app continues to run and you can relax as you drive to the customer, construction site or conference
  • Stop the clock there with a simple tap once the work is done
  • Whether small business, medium-sized company or freelancer – the individual and intuitive time recording system offers advantages for all requirements. Try out electronic time recording and benefit from the time savings!


Working time recording

  • Stopwatch for live recording
  • Recording times retrospectively
  • Personal time accounts with plus and minus hours
  • Individual target hours per week or month
  • Working time and break regulations
  • Surcharges
  • Interfaces to payroll accounting tools
  • Export of data via PDF/CSV


Absence management

  • Personal vacation days
  • Approval process for absences
  • Absence types vacation, illness, overtime reduction and more
  • Longer absences such as parental leave or sabbaticals
  • Public holidays including country templates
  • Filterable vacation calendar
  • Integrate ICS calendar URL into your own calendar
  • Export the data via PDF/CSV


Project time recording

  • Times by customer, project and service
  • Clear project reports
  • Filterable construction kit for individual reports
  • Hourly rates, project budgets and flat rates
  • Access rights to customers, projects, services, data
  • Interfaces to invoicing tools
  • Export of data via PDF/CSV



  • SaaS
  • Server location Germany
  • ISO-certified servers
  • Single sign-on
  • Roles/rights concept


  • Contract term per month or year
  • Pricing model per number of employees
  • Customer service by phone and email
  • Personal onboarding and webinars

Technical information

  • ISO-zertifizierte Server in Deutschland
  • Datenschutzerklärung
  • Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrag (AV-Vertrag)


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