Atoria – the people software GmbH

Atoria – the people software GmbH
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 52
72760 Reutlingen

Provider description

Atoria is a best-of-breed suite that integrates solutions from tisoware, Persis and Quiply. It covers functions such as recruiting, personnel and talent management, collaborative employee communication, time recording, access control, personnel deployment planning and the digitalization of production. Atoria also supports communication in change processes.


has been offering professional solutions and systems for digital time recording, personnel scheduling, access control and manufacturing execution systems (MES) for over 35 years.


is a leading provider of HR software with over 35 years of experience and offers solutions in the areas of recruiting, human resources and talent management.


With Quiply’s employee app, all employees are connected in real time – whether in the office, on the go or in production. Quiply increases efficiency, optimizes internal communication and simplifies workflows.

Fundamental details

  • Location: Headquarters in Reutlingen
  • Employees: 250
  • Customers: 3250


ISO 9001:2015 certification document for company.ISO 9241 certificate for software ergonomics.ISO 27001 certification for tisoware GmbH.

Software solution

The right solution for every requirement

Do you want to efficiently digitize, automate and optimize your human resources management, your physical company security and your own production? It’s child’s play with Atoria’s People Business Suite. Benefit from our holistic best-of-breed suite with tisoware, Quiply and Persis.

  • Applicant management & onboarding
  • Digital personnel file
  • Manufacturing Execution System
  • Employee communication
  • Personnel controlling & reporting
  • Personnel deployment planning
  • Personnel development, training and further education
  • Human resources management
  • Personnel time recording
  • Project time tracking
  • Travel expense management
  • Access control & security


Highlights of the individual modules:

Applicant management

  • One-click application
  • CV parsing
  • Interface to the Federal Employment Agency
  • Applicant portal (can be individually configured to your corporate design)
  • Applicant comparison
  • Applicant data anonymization
  • Automated email sending
  • Workflows (checklists and appointment reminders – also individually customizable)
  • Talent pool management
  • Onboarding new employees
  • Dashboards and reporting function
  • Contract creation using digital signature


Online application portal interface screenshot.

HR manager

  • Appointment monitoring with automated reminders
  • Contract management using digital signature
  • Employee portal
  • Absence management
  • Employee calendar
  • Employee data management (skills, knowledge, qualifications, educational history)
  • Instructions
  • Loans Certificate Manager
  • Dashboards and reporting function

Digital personnel file

  • Workflow integration (individually configurable)
  • Full-text search for simplified searching
  • Authorization concept
  • Approval process (four-eye principle)
  • Barcode recognition (suitable for scanning paper files and automatically assigning the appropriate employee)
  • Audit security


Digitale Personalakte Übersicht mit Mitarbeiterdaten.

Personnel development

  • 360-degree feedback
  • Individual conversation presentation
  • Workflow integration (individually configurable)
  • Follow up on target agreements on time
  • Document creation
  • IST analysis of employees
  • Create target competencies for employees
  • Company map
  • Competence management
  • Plan development measures
  • Dashboards and reporting function

Further education

  • Deadline-controlled seminar management
  • Digital training catalog
  • Reminders and reminders 
  • Cancellations and rebookings of participants
  • Room booking
  • Automated correspondence
  • Multi-level approvals
  • Task overview
  • Participant and waiting lists
  • Seminars and seminar templates
  • Graphical seminar calendar for employees
  • Dashboards and reporting function

Training manager

  • Preparation of IHK contracts
  • Digital training certificates with digital signature
  • Deposit of information (certificates, educational background)
  • Workflow management
  • Feedback and coaching
  • Generation of transfer plans
  • Approval process

HR reporting

  • Compilation of individual dashboards
  • Persis homepage placement
  • Authorization concepts
  • Different display and diagram types
  • Filter options
  • Extensive configuration options for administrators
  • Automated historization of data
  • Automated reporting with one click

Project time tracking

  • Creation and management of projects or cost objects as well as booking/rebooking options for cost center times
  • Booking and/or subsequent recording of project, cost center or cost object times
  • Within the project stages, the project progress can be documented by the employee. This makes it possible to display the planned hours and the actual project status
  • Project evaluations with different configurations

Personnel time recording

  • Management of fixed, flexible & individual full-time and part-time models, as well as shift systems including automatic shift recognition
  • Automatic determination of allowances & surcharges taking into account the collective agreement/company agreement
  • Monthly overview per employee and automatic error log for correcting incorrect bookings
  • Absence management with group calendars and attendance/absence table
  • Group booking functions
  • Time account and vacation account management
  • Time and absence statistics
  • Individual personnel master data evaluations with Excel export


Teamplaner mit Schichtzeiten und Mitarbeitern

Operational data collection

  • Order, machine and personal data collection and evaluation of a complete, integrated and parameter-controllable processing of the operational orders arising in a company
  • Feedback on production times, quantities, rejects, interruptions, reasons for disruption, etc.
  • Clear presentation in individually definable time periods for the current status of orders, work processes and employees (who is working or has worked on which order, how long, how many pieces in what time in relation to the specification, etc.)
  • The order monitor can be individually configured

Personnel deployment planning

  • Shift planning per area, department, cost center
  • Recording of continuous shift plans and graphical representation
  • Monitoring of personnel requirements and staff levels
  • Automatic detection and representation of over- and under-coverage based on a department, cost center or qualification
  • Representation of total employees in different shifts
  • Representation of important employee information in the shift plan such as planned hours, time account balance, remaining vacation, absences, entries in the employee error log
  • Entry of shifts, cost center changes and absences for individual or multiple employees

Access control & security

  • for electric doors, automatically controlled locking systems; barriers, elevators, turnstiles, etc.
  • all ID cards can be limited in validity & function to certain areas and different times.
  • each booking creates a data record in the access log
  • storage of various access and time level profiles
  • definition of authorizations on recording devices
  • additional PIN code query possible

Travel expense management

  • Employee-related recording of travel data and receipts
  • Storage of the corresponding release tables with automatic calculation of taxable additional meal expenses
  • Display and printout of the expense report
  • Exchange rates are synchronized daily with the European Central Bank (ECB)
  • The tax-free additional meal expenses of the tax authorities can be imported into the system
  • Particularly effective in conjunction with tisoware.WORKFLOW and tisoware.ZEITplus for applications for reimbursement of travel expenses
  • Transfer of the data to the payroll system via the LG interface tisoware.LG optionally possible

Technical information

  • SaaS
  • On-Premise
  • Server location: Germany
  • ISO-certified
  • Roles/rights concept


Venjakob logo in teal and white

Rauch logo in red and white.

Jacob logo with German tagline.


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