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Companies are undergoing digital change – transformation. And so are the HR departments. In order to meet the challenges of the times and keep companies competitive and fit for the future, companies need to work more strategically. The HR department in particular is called upon to do this. The shortage of skilled workers in many sectors means that potential specialists need to be approached, recruiting and applicant management need to be aligned accordingly, suitable candidates need to be integrated into the company via a service-oriented onboarding process and new employees need to be developed and talented from the outset. In general, further training plays a decisive role. This applies to all employees, not just new recruits. HR measures of this kind lead to employee retention. True to the motto: find new employees and keep established employees.

However, HR departments often lack the capacity to meet these challenges. The employees in the HR department are tied up with administrative tasks and are therefore slowed down in the performance of their core tasks.

What can digitalization achieve in HR?

Digitalization can change this. With the right IT systems and suitable HR software, HR processes can be simplified, managed and processed efficiently – across the entire employee lifecycle. It doesn’t matter whether it’s HR administration with a digital personnel file, application management, the onboarding process, time recording or talent development, i.e. talent management. All of these HR processes can be mapped digitally with the appropriate systems. Just like payroll accounting with the corresponding programs. Or the documentation of employee appraisals including target agreements by managers in the digital personnel file.

Example: Employees can submit their vacation requests via Employee Self Services (ESS), digital HR employee portals. Once approved by HR management, the absences are automatically transferred to the payroll and salary accounting programs, workforce planning and time recording.

This allows the departments to plan accordingly. And personnel management is kept up to date in all areas.

HR management software reduces the administration of standard processes, reduces the time required for this, leads to transparent data and an overview and makes HR more flexible and adaptable overall. Last but not least, the introduction of digital solutions in HR leads to greater employee satisfaction – for those who are responsible for personnel. And everyone in general.

This is because documents can be stored digitally in corresponding HR solutions, which can be accessed according to responsibility and assignment. This leads to simple and quickly completed workflows. Especially as the software automatically updates all attached documents and stores them in an audit-proof manner. This automation eliminates the need to work in countless Excel spreadsheets, all of which have to be kept up to date manually. Finally, HR software can be used to create comprehensive, meaningful and easy-to-create reports. Often at the touch of a button.

Finally, if the applications are cloud-based, access to files and documents, templates and evaluations is possible from anywhere and at any time, with the highest security standards.

Which HR software should you choose?

For many years, only isolated solutions were digitized in the HR sector, but according to software manufacturers, there is now an increasing demand for modular all-in-one solutions. This is often based on the modular principle: starting with one module and adding further modules bit by bit. In this way, the range of functions can be gradually expanded with individual HR tools. It also makes it easier to organize the introduction of the HR software solution. Ultimately, the goal is to have a completely digitized HR area that can be used to digitally map routine tasks, process them automatically and without a great deal of effort, see practical example: Rose Druck GmbH.

And, very importantly, the digital HR systems ensure data security and are GDPR-compliant.

What is important when it comes to HR software?

First of all, the HR software should map the desired processes. After all, the investment in the software should generate added value. In addition, a user-friendly interface with a clearly structured dashboard plays a decisive role: what is the point of software that is difficult to use and causes problems for HR employees and the entire workforce? Existing interfaces to software solutions already in use are also necessary to ensure that systems mesh well and function optimally with one another. The before mentioned aspects of data security and data protection should also be given top priority when making a selection.

It certainly makes sense to look for a complete solution that is structured in modules. Or: modules that can lead to an all-in-one solution. In this way, employees are gently introduced to digital HR management and fears of contact disappear with the experience gained.

You also need to decide whether you want cloud-based software or whether the data should be stored in the company, on-premises.

HRNeeds supports you in your search for suitable HR software.

HRNeeds is your platform for a comprehensive HR software comparison. We list and compare both complete solutions and modular HR software solutions for you, bringing transparency to the confusing market of providers. Our software comparison covers the following areas:

Quality is the top priority at HRNeeds. That’s why we carefully compare your requirements with the software solutions. We have developed our own analysis tool for this purpose, which we use to query your needs and requirements in a structured manner. You also specify which processes are to be digitized. In addition to reducing costs, users of our comparison portal save an average of 4-6 weeks in their search for a new solution. By using HRNeeds, the project team receives a qualified overview of software solutions that are a perfect fit for your requirements.

In this way, we shed light on the confusing HR software provider market for you so that you can find the right software solution quickly, easily and free of charge!

Get your customized & free HR software recommendation!

HRNeedsHR software comparison helps you find the ideal software: HRNeeds uses a special analysis tool to compare the company-specific requirements with the software solutions and thus reliably finds the right software.

Do you have any questions about the software solutions?

We are happy to advise you, free of charge and without obligation! Our expertise will effectively save you time in your search for the right tools for your HR processes. Our competent HR consultants are in constant contact with HR software manufacturers and are therefore always informed about current trends and innovations.

Find the right software solution for your company with HRNeeds

As each company’s HR software requirements are very individual, the HRNeeds comparison portal uses a very well thought-out analysis tool that addresses all key aspects. This allows us to identify the right HR program for your company.

This is how HRNeeds works:

  • The company-specific requirements are compared with the software solutions of the software manufacturers and a list of providers is drawn up.
  • In a short telephone consultation between the HR experts from HRNeeds and the customer, it is ensured that the customer’s requirements and wishes are discussed and any outstanding issues are clarified.
  • The customer then receives a free, non-binding list of the identified software solutions with a detailed summary of the recommended software solutions – including all information to help the customer make a decision.
  • On request, HRNeeds can also provide assistance and advice during the final decision-making process, so that you can be sure that the software solutions meet your requirements.
Mann an Laptop

In our many years of experience, the error is often in the detail. Due to the complexity of the situation, many companies only realize during the implementation phase that the chosen software solution can only partially cover the requirements or not at all. To prevent this from happening, we offer HRNeeds users a special service: on request, you can also receive a brief consultation free of charge and without obligation, which provides many important tips and highlights pitfalls in the selection process.

Start your search for suitable HR software today and digitize your HR management – HRNeeds will help you find the right solution for you!

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HRNeeds, the comparison portal for HR-Software

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Three steps to the perfect software solution:

  1. Specify requirements
  2. Fill in contact details
  3. Receive a free, tailor-made software recommendation

Find the perfect HR software solution for your company with HRNeeds – the established HR software comparison portal. Our unique HR software comparison, based on company-specific requirements, provides you with a free and non-binding list of suitable software solutions — including all the information you need to help you make the right decision.

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Welche Softwarelösungen suchen Sie?
HRNeeds, das Vergleichsportal für HR-Software

Die perfekt passende HR-Softwarelösung finden: Einfach, schnell und kostenlos!

Drei Schritte zur perfekt passenden Softwarelösung:

  1. Anforderungen angeben
  2. Kontaktdaten ausfüllen
  3. Kostenlos passgenaue Softwareempfehlung erhalten

Finden Sie die perfekte HR-Software-Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen mit HRNeeds – dem etablierten HR-Software-Vergleichsportal. Durch unseren einzigartigen HR-Softwarevergleich, basierend auf unternehmensspezifischen Anforderungen, erhalten Sie eine kostenlose und unverbindliche Liste von passenden Softwarelösungen - inklusive aller Informationen, die Ihnen bei der Entscheidung helfen.

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HR-Softwarevergleich ganz einfach die beste Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen.

HRNeeds gleicht mit einem speziellen Analysetool Ihre unternehmensspezifischen Anforderungen mit den Softwarelösungen ab und findet so zuverlässig die passgenaue Software.

Receive your customized & free HR software recommendation!

Find the ideal software with the HR software comparison from HRNeeds: HRNeeds uses a special analysis tool to compare the company-specific requirements with the software solutions and thus reliably finds the perfect software fit.

Do you have any questions about the software solutions?

We will be happy to advise you, free of charge and without obligation! Our expertise will effectively save you time in your search for the right tools for your HR processes. Our competent HR consultants are in constant contact with HR software manufacturers and are therefore always informed about current trends and innovations.